Respiratory Recovery
Reduced Oxygen’s Impact on Immunity and Energy

Reduced oxygen during respiratory injury inhibits immunity and decreases energy production. Reduced immunity makes it difficult for the body to overcome infection causing respiratory infections, such as the flu, to become long lasting and even dangerous.

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Influenza and respiratory infections cause body-wide oxygen deficiency:

This guide explains how to use LiveO2 and exercise to compensate for reduced oxygen levels during a respiratory illness.

This method is intended to optimize tissue oxygen levels by creating lung pressure swings that increase gas transfer to partially overcome the inhibitory gas transfer effects of mucus and injury to lung cells.

Asphyxiation limits metabolic energy and prolongs recovery. Resolution of asphyxiation restores oxygen to near normal levels to optimize energy during the episode and maintain immune performance even though the lungs are injured.

The method uses extra oxygen and physical challenge to increase oxygen levels in the body. Most users experience near-normal energy, optimal immune performance, and minimal discomfort. The only real challenge is overcoming the natural instinct to lay in bed, instead of exercising when you are sick.

Three Techniques for Managing Illness Cycle Phases

This method describes three techniques helpful during different phases of the illness cycle:

Incubation support when exposure is suspected

Acute support — when exertion is not possible due to illness

Recovery support — to optimize energy and immunity during recovery

This reduction in oxygen levels during respiratory illness inhibits the immune system and makes it harder for the body to overcome the infection. This effect contributes to the duration and severity of respiratory infections.

This protocol is engineered to restore and maintain normal oxygen levels during periods of respiratory illness. Optimal oxygen levels from enhanced respiration restores oxygen to normal or above levels. This remediates the fatigue and other symptoms caused by hypoxia, or oxygen deficiency. In summary, the protocol enables the body to breathe effectively during respiratory injury.

Breathing is the process of venting Carbon Dioxide, CO2, and absorbing Oxygen, O2 by pulling air and out of the lungs. Gas transfer is inhibited by mucosal secretions that literally obstruct gas transfer. Mucosal secretions are a normal consequence of the infection process. This is why a PO2 reading during respiratory illness will is reduced.

LiveO2 is only intended to for use with some form of exercise or while in a sauna. Oxygen has NO known direct inhibitory effect on a virus. Use of oxygen at rest has little to no beneficial effect because elevated heart rate and respiration are required to move the oxygen from the lung to the tissue and create the pressure swings that overcome the mucus barrier.

Reduce the time spent recovering from respiratory infections.
When Used
Individuals with reduced immune system due to respiratory infection.
Detox Intensity
1 – 15 Minutes
Once daily or as needed to minimize symptoms.
Typical Response
Improved sense of well being. Expedited recovery. Reduce final severity of infection.

Incubation Support: When you suspect exposure

Acute Support: While you are too sick to exercise
Run air separator for 30 minutes to accumulate oxygen in reservoir.

Recovery Support: While you’re on the mend

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Recovery occurs as oxygen utilization returns to normal. Reduced oxygen from the infection suppresses the immune system and slows recovery. Both symptom intensity and speed of recovery are governed by the oxygen status in the body during recovery.

This usage guide maximizes oxygen status during the recovery process. This usage guide supports oxygenation at each illness phase.

Elevated oxygen levels reduce symptoms and accelerate recovery by supporting the immune system.

These graphs show restoration of oxygen status with oxygen immediately after use of LiveO2. Symptom reduction is dramatic and immediate.

Restoration of oxygen status with lung pressurization during early phase helps to improve energy. Faster recovery limits both convalescence and loss of strength.

Restoration of normal oxygen status takes approximately 3–4 days. This coincides with remediation of most flu symptoms.

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