Brain O2

Brain O2 is a variant of High Intensity Interval Training which delivers simultaneous maximums of blood flow and oxygen concentration to the brain and other organs.

This dynamic method offer the perfect challenge to your body and superior oxygen delivery over outdated EWOT(oxygen only) systems.

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This physiological cycle repeatedly reproduces the recovery-rest phase that occurs after an intense sprint:

This process oxygenates the brain. Most users experience more optimal brain function regardless injury or disease history. Improved function is normally becomes measurable within 1 week for individuals sufficiently able-bodied to use this exercise program.

Please review our content policy if you feel this information constitutes a medical claim.

Establish simultaneous maximum of blood flow and oxygen blood concentration to the brain enable healing and optimize function.
When Used
Anytime maximum neurological or cognitive performance is necessary.
Detox Intensity
15 Minutes
Once daily typical; twice daily for health restoration
Typical Response
Optimize physical and mental performance. Usually results in measurable improvement in cognitive function, executive function, mood and motor control.
Relative Performance
Significant effect on all body systems and immune system.
Explain Technology

LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast® System


This usage guide creates simultaneous maximums of blood flow and oxygen concentration to the brain. Simultaneous maximums do not occur in any other known method. The conditions that trigger maximum blood flow are created by minimum oxygenation. Conversely, the conditions of maximum oxygen availability, normally trigger minimum oxygen flow.

Physiologically, these conditions are mutually exclusive.

Triggering Maximum Flow

This protocol utilizes blood-brain switch. The chart above shows when the body prioritizes blood flow to the brain. This is where the green graph shoots upwards. The heartbeat in the head sensation occurs when the eardrum throbs because from the pulse pressure from each heartbeat.

The low oxygen setting stimulates the body to open the vascular system to maximize the volume of blood flowing to the brain. Cipola measured brain blood flow with Doppler measurements in the range of 400%.

This blood flow state is generally not accessible to users breathing a rich oxygen mixture.

Triggering Maximum Oxygenation

The BrainO2™ protocol utilizes hypoxic challenge to further enhance both plasma oxygenation and tissue perfusion. The hypoxic exertion challenge creates gas transfer and respiratory turbulence conditions that exceeded von Ardenne’s methods.

Von Ardenne’s Method

Manfred von Ardenne created conditions of maximum oxygenation by supplying unprecedented amounts of oxygen.

His trick, unlike medical oxygen administrations, that provide oxygen to a patient at rest, was to supply copious oxygen simultaneous during exercise.

The exertion challenge created an elevated gas absorption, and blood flow conditions, stimulated by exertion, naturally maximized venous capillary pulse force for unprecedented tissue oxygen perfusion performance. He leveraged the natural physiology of exercise.

Primary Mechanisms

His method leveraged three primary mechanisms of exercise, well understood in chemistry and physics, to maximize the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood plasma:

1. The partial pressure of a gas;
2. The contact surface area between the gas and the fluid;
3. The turbulence of the interface.

The second element of his method leveraged respiratory excitation to enhance perfusion:

1. A pounding heart creates a larger pulse pressure
2. Which increases venous capillary pulse force.

His method uses the inherent mechanisms of exercise to overcome the factors that often limit delivery of oxygen to tissue regardless of stress or disease state.

The Switch Method

The switch method simultaneously utilizes multiple conditions:

Triggers systemic vasodilation by prolonged moderate hypoxic challenge to maximize whole body blood flow
Provoke maximum blood flow volume. Sprint with low oxygen air.

Pulse oxygen rich blood to brain. Switch into to oxygen rich air for a few seconds.
Maintain the circuit – do not recover. Switch back to low oxygen air and continue exertion.

Repeat until done then recover on oxygen rich air.
The oxygenation potential of this method is:

4x blood flow X 6x oxygenation = 24x potential oxygenation — repeatedly.

This is significantly higher than any other known method. Research indicates this method provides maximum achievable oxygenation for essential organ systems:
Typical Benefits

Typical benefits include rapid optimization of neurological and cognitive function. Further, maximum known oxygenation for liver and kidneys to aid health restoration for conditions that may be related to inflammation in these organ systems, also beneficial for immunological performance.


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This is a summary of results:
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Ben Menefee – USAF Veteran. Experienced a severe TBI in Afghanistan.

Ben experienced a very severe head injury while serving in the in Afghanistan. When he awoke from his coma, doctors at Walter Reed hospital told him he may never talk or walk again and that only 2 out 100 people with his type of injury survive.

He was paralyzed on his left side, subject to uncontrollable laughing and crying, with severe headaches and always exhausted.

As soon as Ben was able to exercise at home with a Recumbent Cycle, he began using LiveO2 with Adaptive Contrast to amplify the oxygenation effects of his exercise.

Adaptive Contrast enables him oxygenate his body in spite of limited exercise capacity. He remains hemi paraplegic or half-paralyzed.

He reports his body is continuing regain optimal function and structure and function compromised during his military health loss incident.

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We repeatedly ask: “Can you hear your heartbeat in your head?” If yes — we are there. If no — we are not.

Physiologically this is a sensation that almost everyone has experienced and easily recognizes. It means the body is sending enough blood to the head that the eardrum throbs. This is the actual threshold we use.

Once the answer becomes yes, we repeatedly pulse oxygen for 2–5 seconds being careful not to allow the pulse rate to decrease. This technique produces the desired effects in about everyone. Pulsing oxygen at lesser levels (no heartbeat sensation) works but does not produce extraordinary results we documented in the validation tab.

Our experience so far is based on the heartbeat in the head is the single criteria for success with the usage guide because that single observable determines whether there is sufficient arterial pressure to push through congestion in the brain’s vascular network and whether the pulses of oxygen tend to open things up.

The brief oxygen pulses, 3–5 seconds, do not allow the body enough recovery to discontinue the blood flow. It is usually a challenge to establish the blood flow pattern. The pulses are short enough to prevent recovery that allows the body to discontinue the flow pattern. The timing is designed to deliver oxygen and also keep the circuit active.

Shy of the heartbeat in the head, the usage method still works — but gains in mental function are consistent with Ardenne’s lesser published results of 5–15%.

Cipolla scientifically supports the concept that mammals compensate for hypoxic athletic challenge by squirting more blood to the brain.

From the usage method point of view — the Cipolla reference is scientifically supportive but technically impractical in that it does not provide an observable marker indicating achievement of the blood flow threshold. The 400% seems and feels consistent in our experience and with the results.

As for the desaturation levels. I think the exertion and hypoxia work together and are somewhat interchangeable — but it takes a lot more exertion to reach the level at sea level.

Not everyone hears their heartbeat. I say that in the usage guide description because some people do and I want to reinforce the use of “safe” exercise equipment.

For me the transition is really a challenge experience where I feel a stern, but not distressed urge to back off my pace for recovery. I’m able to continue because while it’s uncomfortable, it’s like climbing a hill on a bike. As long as I don’t increase my pace — I can hold it.

Shortly after this urge I begin to hear my pulse in my head. When this happens I hold pace for about 30 seconds, switch to oxygen for 2–5 breaths, and switch back to the higher pace.

This minimal recovery keeps me close to the zone. Minimal recovery limits the effort and discomfort it takes to ramp to this point.

I just don’t want to work this hard again — I’d rather not recover very much so I don’t have to ramp as far to the next interval.

After I get stronger — it tends to take more time on -O2 to reach this level.

I generally never experience “euphoria”. My exit feeling is clear — Like I had a great workout. My vision is good and I feel very calm for the remains of the day.

Power Exert corresponds to a physical exertion, like a sprint. As with all exercise restrain yourself to exertion levels appropriate to your conditioning Exercising harder than your body will allow can result in injury.

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Oxygen heals the brain.  BrainO2™ super-oxygenates the brain in minutes.

Brain O2 is a variant of High Intensity Interval Training which delivers simultaneous maximums of blood flow and oxygen concentration to the brain and other organs.

The cycle has three stages:

  • Maximize steady state blood flow to the brain exerting on oxygen reduced air
  • Sprint to create a temporary maximum in blood flow volume
  • Switch to oxygen rich air during the sprint to create a maximum in blood oxygen concentration during the temporary maximum in blood flow volume

This physiological cycle repeatedly reproduces the recovery-rest phase that occurs after an intense sprint:

  • Breathing Hard
  • Maximum Heart Rate
  • Resting to recover from sprint
  • Usually can hear heartbeat in head.

This process oxygenates the brain. Most users experience more optimal brain function regardless injury or disease history.   Improved function is normally becomes measurable within 1 week for individuals sufficiently able-bodied to use this exercise program.

Please review our content policy if you feel this information constitutes a medical claim.

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